Where’s Wally? I mean Bevan!

Stephen was there, so was Sutho, Dave, Linda, and Judy (on the late shift) but NO Bevan… The boys were dumbfounded to say the least. The swim out to the post was leisurely with Dave taking the lead and Stephen and Sutho following closely behind. There was a bit of a swell running and the water temp, despite registering as 16.5C, was cold at the start but warmed up at the post. We swam around Gwen’s buoy, across to the island, then back to the dirty pin where we were greeted by Judy sans wetsuit – very brave. The highlight of the swim was watching Stephen swimming ‘snakes and ladders’ – firstly heading towards Balmoral Belle instead of Gwen (Sutho showed him the error of his ways), and then on the swim to the dirty pin he chose to swim parallel to shore. Stephen was not alone in his endeavours as Dave headed to shore at one stage instead of the island. Sutho proved to be the most consistent. Representing the Seasoned Idiots today were Jim, Ruth, Rod, Peter & Meryl, Di, Mike, and Pam.

About Dave

Dave has been an idiot for longer than he can remember. However, his Real Idiot status was confirmed about 20 years ago when Linda and Bevan coaxed him out to the post. Developer and administrator of this website as well as reporter, photographer, and chief spell-checker. Thankfully, other idiots contribute to the site to keep it interesting...