Meredith Mob Mobs the Idiots 1

The Idiots were inundated by members of Clan Meredith  this morning. Special guest Rachel (sister-in-law) returned for her second swim and, just before the off, both Megan and boyfriend Scott joined the Idiots, consisting of Dave, Dave, Bev, Richard and me.

And then, as if to add icing to the Meredith cake, after a trip round two cats and the post, we returned to be greeted by Katie who was prepping for  a quick teabag.

That makes five Meredith clan to four Idiots -a Meredith Mob!! 

In other news, the latest from Judy is encouraging – hope she’ll be back to 100% soon. And Katherine’s very smart swimming hat/shower hat is a show stopper!


About Chris

Middle-aged slightly overweight swimmer/splasher. Occasionally prone to competing in ocean races. Hasn't drowned yet.

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