A great lineup on Friday with Sutho, Judy, Chris, Dave, Stephen, and I heading into the cooler waters. Earlier in the week we enjoyed an unseasonably warm period where the temperatures were in the low 16s. Chris made the fatal comment that the cold weather was now behind us… 15.6C in the water yesterday but surprisingly it wasn’t jarringly cold. The water was clear all the way out to the post. Sensational! We were buffeted by a crop of bad jokes and there was a chop to contend with too. Ok… some of the jokes were funny…
Across to the island, then down the coast where we experienced cooler water. What a way to start the day!
The new shower at the top of the steps is finally open for business! Working out how to turn on the lower tap proved difficult.
Seasoned idiots spied yesterday morning were Ruth, Robert, Janice, Linda, Di, hmmm… drawing a blank for the rest of the gang… apologies…
Coffee was entertaining with Bob, Linda, Judy, Chris, Stephen, and Dave joining in. A toast to Ken and a bit of reminiscing ensued as well as solving the world’s problems. It’s all in a day’s work. I also heard about Richard’s weekends away which sound a bit more exciting than my trip to Canberra next week.
Today it was 16C in the water at 11.20am and not surprisingly there weren’t too many idiots around at that time. There are clumps of red algae blooming on the sea floor and floating in the water but not enough to detract from the superb swimming conditions. Shantelle, the one idiot that I did see, told me that a seal was spotted in the water near the steps yesterday.
On Monday, I took a wander down to Middle head where my friend Kev is a volunteer. With the help of Ian, another volunteer, they have transformed this area by clearing away the asparagus weed, lantana, and African Olive trees that are all a menace to the natural habitat. The latest project they are engaged in is clearing the defensive ditch, just off to the right when you come in the entrance. With the help of corporate volunteers (for this particular job) they are doing a wonderful job. They have cleared an area along the defensive ditch where you can see the Submarine Miners’ Observation Post that I first spied in March 2011 on a walk with Judy down to the 1801 Fort. I took a few photos and then Kev informed me that the rock that I was standing on was detached from the cliff!
The Mudgee Food and Wine Festival is on at Balmoral tomorrow.