Me Bev and Dave U were swimming towards the post when we were viciously attacked by a swarm of extra large jimbles that had clearly been lurking in wait for us.
After a brief pause to review the available options (retaliate, retreat etc) the consensus was ‘bugger it’ and we swam on to the post, Belle (now renamed Beluga but only in texta) and the island.
All went well until we were ambushed again near Bec’s rock and I got a near-lethal sting on my arm. It was very painful but I didn’t cry.
Dave U’s eyesight is obviously not good because he didn’t see anything at all throughout the whole swim. (I recommend a visit to OPSM)
Ah well. I’m almost sure they’ll be gone tomorrow.
Trophy pics below. Enjoy!
Clearly we are going to have to ban the Englishman as he is advocating the whinging pom axiom.
Chris, you need to harden up to the flesh wounds !
Yowzers! Glad I wasn’t there to experience that first hand. We need a GIANT pool scoop. Who do we talk to about that?!